What are 7 easy ways to heal and prevent knee pain?

The worst pain is joint pain. It throbs when you’re sitting down. It throbs and grinds when you’re walking or standing. We are only able to move because of our joints, but when they hurt, everything hurts. Overuse, strains or sprains, arthritis, or simple aging can all lead to joint pain.

You need relief though, regardless of the cause. Your doctor will probably recommend a course of treatment, but if your issue is chronic as opposed to acute, you might end up taking strong medication for much longer than you’d like.

Or perhaps you’d prefer to look into non-drug approaches to treating joint pain before enduring the severe side effects that come with drugs.

With seven all-natural ways to treat knee and joint pain, we’ve got you covered.

1. Employ the RICE Approach

RICE stands for a set of procedures that can assist in managing pain as well as reducing the inflammation that causes pain. It’s frequently advised for sprains and strains, but it can also benefit those with long-term illnesses like arthritis.

RICE translates as:
Rest Ice Compression Elevation
No matter the cause of your knee or joint pain, it’s crucial to give it some time to rest. For a while, refrain from using the sore joint, and do your best to keep the affected area elevated above your heart. This avoids fluid accumulation and further swelling.

Apply a cold compress several times per day. This may reduce swelling and dull pain. A compression bandage stops the swelling from returning, but there is a fine line between being too tight and not tight enough.

A certain amount of compression is desired there, but not to the point where circulation is completely cut off.

2. Yoga or Tai Chi

Although we just advised you to rest sore joints, we’re going to advise you to work out those joints more. In essence, you want to protect the joint during the worst of the swelling and pain, but you also want to watch that the whole area doesn’t deteriorate.

Engage in a low impact exercise routine as frequently as you can to increase flexibility and strengthen the proximal tissues and the joints themselves.

Due to the emphasis they place on the mind-body connection, yoga and tai chi are both excellent choices. Both focus on movement and mindfulness. These exercises not only help you move more freely, but the meditation component might even help you manage chronic pain.

3. Losing Weight

Feel free to skip ahead if you are already at or under your ideal weight. But if you are aware that losing a few pounds would make you healthier, your aching joints are one more motivation to get started right away. Your joints will be put under more stress and sustain more damage the more weight they must support.

Achieving weight loss is never simple. Food can be a great comfort in times of stress and pain because our eating habits are so deeply ingrained. However, some foods can aggravate your joint pain, particularly if it is the result of arthritis.

Try adhering to an arthritis-friendly diet consisting of wholesome foods that lower inflammation; the pain relief you experience right away may make it easier for you to maintain your diet while the weight gradually drops off.

4. Herbal cream

Salicylate is a painkiller found in over-the-counter pain relief creams.

Unless you have a sensitivity to salicylate (which is also present in various forms in treatments for warts and dandruff), the creams are generally safe to use. However, in light of a finding made by a team of researchers in Pakistan, they might be wholly pointless.

According to a study that was published in the Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, a herbal ointment made of cinnamon, ginger, Arabic gum (mastic), and sesame oil was just as effective at treating joint pain topically as salicylate creams.

5. Willow Bark

Willow bark is occasionally referred to as “nature’s aspirin.” That makes sense given that the component that numbs pain is none other than salicin, which the body transforms into salicylic acid. There are teas, tinctures, and capsules that contain willow bark extract, but some people just like to chew the bark.

If you have an aspirin allergy or are taking blood thinners, avoid taking willow bark. Otherwise, there are only a few minor potential side effects. While a few studies have found that willow bark is effective at reducing pain, more research is being done to find out more about this treatment that has been around for over 4,000 years!

6. Ginger Extract

As we mentioned earlier, ginger is a common spice that is used in topical ointments, cooking, and as a dietary supplement.

A study of arthritis sufferers found that using ginger in addition to prescription medication reduced pain more effectively than medication alone. Ginger is well known for reducing nausea as well as pain.

Whether you use it fresh or powdered, the advantages are the same, so we advise making it a staple in your pantry. When you are in pain of any kind, ginger can be a lifesaver.

7. Heat Therapy

Another effective natural pain reliever is heat because it relaxes muscles and prevents joints from freezing. Because heat and cold therapy work so well together, they are frequently combined.

Because cold significantly reduces inflammation, it is best to apply it within the first 24 hours of a flare-up. Then, heat can relieve any lingering pain and keep you as flexible as possible.

You can use heat as often as you like, but to prevent skin burns, place a heating pad or washcloth over your clothing. Additionally, you should be aware of how much your core body temperature rises and stop when you begin to feel uncomfortable from the heat. This is why we advise against using heat overnight.

These 7 all-natural ways to relieve knee and joint pain, whether combined or separately, can make you feel better and maintain more flexibility. Additionally, they have a lot fewer side effects than prescription drugs.

Using natural painkillers in addition to prescription medication can help you use it less frequently, even if you find that you need it. To find the best overall treatment for your joint pain, try these techniques out with nothing to lose.